From Mother to Daughter

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Festivals are social events to grow spiritualy involving cooking and eating with family and friends. Cooking is an evolving art, wing thru a recipe and whip up your own concoction.

Friday, August 22, 2008

VaraMahalakshmi Festival (July-Aug)

Varamahalakshmi Festival

Festival is celebrated to offer our facilitation's to Vara(Boon giving) Mahalakshmi, also referred as the Goddess of wealth. Goddess Lakshmi is the embodiment of  earth, wealth, fame, learning, love, peace, pleasure and strength (astha lakshmi). Varamaha Lakshmi festivities is observed on the Friday that occurs before the full moon day of the lunar calender month of Sravana ( and this also overlaps with the solar calendar month of Adi).

Commonly, on this day, the the women take an early bath in preparation of the days festivities. The main threshold into the house is cleaned and decorated with rongoli, harishina, kumkuma, akshathae and flowers. The main door also gets a new torana of mango leaves.

In many families Varamahalakshmi festival is celebrated by keeping vratha (Vrat, vow). A sacred kalasha made of  brass, copper or silver is filled with rice and topped with mango leaves and coconut. The kalasha is adorned with ornaments, new saree, Lakshmi face mask and is made to resemble Goddess Varamahalakshmi. Goddess is invoked by decorating the kalasha with flowers, jewelry, vastra (new clothes, saree), dry fruits, fresh grains, sweets and savouries.This is an elaborate affair and handed down for many generations to the new daughters-in-law of the household by an elder.

Generally, festival food like obbatu, puliyogarae, payasa are prepared. In the evening a  few women are invited home and are honored by gifting them with tamboola ( harishina, kumkuma, coconut, beetle leaves, beetle nut/pan, blouse piece, saree, money or any gift).

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